Friday, 11 December 2009

Jo on Bike

Another one...just cos!

Sunday, 6 December 2009

3D Effect Photography

Found some cracking examples of 3D effect photography online and have used the effect with one of my own photos...I feel a trend coming on :-)

Friday, 4 December 2009

Dear Santa...

Since you's my top 3 things I want for Christmas, this is why I've been a good boy all year!

No. 1 - DJ Hero
Following on from the Guitar Hero/Band Hero/Everything Else Hero series, finally here's one that suits me to the ground! I played this in HMV and had to hold off a queue of 10-year olds who wanted a go but, "guess what little man? I was here first and I'm awesome so I may be some time!!" He ran away crying!

Pretty cool Daft Punk trailer here

No. 2 - Designing Obama
As a Graphic Designer, this book looks really good to me. I always admired the way Obama set himself apart from the more boring Republican candidates (apart from the obvious methods of having realistic and agreeable policies) and his campaign team seemed to know how to use the modern media, art and design to the best of his advantage. I don't read much (that is, not at all!!) but this one would probably have me hooked!

No. 3 - Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Just because I fancy having a go at mowing down innocent bystanders without having to pay a price!

And a sneaky No. 3.1 - Khet
This was a late addition to my Santa list. It's a game called Khet, which is a cross between the simplicity of draughts, and the strategy of chess...but with LASERS!!!!! It's pretty awesome, I managed to find an online version here (note that you need Silverlight installed).

Roll on xmas day :-))